Tackling Textile Waste: Cambridge Edition
https://sewpositive.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/CambridgeEdition-1500x1024.jpg 1080 737 Sew Positive Sew Positive https://sewpositive.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/CambridgeEdition-1500x1024.jpgWhatever your thoughts on the fashion industry, clothes are crucial. Not only do they keep us warm and dry, but they help us express ourselves, conveying aspects of personality, taste and the cultures or trends that we
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The problem is, in recent years, consumption of clothing has gone through a dizzying increase; in the last two decades alone, the amount of clothes being bought around the world has doubled, with over 80 billion garments made every year. Each item of clothing uses a vast quantity of energy, raw materials, chemicals, labour and water in its production, making fast fashion a pressing environmental challenge faced by the planet.